We are one of the most modern private clinics in Georgia. Our success is based on the fact, that our healthcare institutions are equipped with valuable, high-end medical equipment, but due to the lowe...
The clinic uses integral, overall treatment methods: Homeophaty, Georgian Tradicional Medicine, Manual Therapy, Therapeutic Physical Trainig, Lazer- and Magnetotherapy. Homeophathy treates as biting, ...
The clinic is a unique and innovative discovery of a multi-profile clinic that contains more than 20 medical services in one space. The importance of the clinic is represented by the latest design and...
David Tatishvili Medical Center in Georgia is a renowned healthcare facility that offers a wide range of medical services to patients. Established in 2012, the medical center is a state-of-the-art fac...
ул. Дмитрия Узнадзе, 103, Тбилиси, Грузия, Tbilisi
Предоставляем услуги частной «скорой помощи», транспортировки лежачих пациентов из/в Грузию в/из Россию, Белоруссию, Украину, другие страны СНГ, а также в Германию, Италию, Грецию, Израиль и другие ст...
Genesis is a non-governmental, non-political, and not-for-profit institution promoting the well-being of street children, orphans, and the most impoverished sections of the population of Georgia
"GIGEA LTD" - არის მრავალფუნქციური სამედიცინო ცენტრი, რომელიც გთავაზობთ მომსახურების ფართო არჩევანს სხვადასხვა დაავადების დიაგნოსტირებაში, მკურნალობასა და პროფილაქტიკაში. მაღალკვალიფიციური სპეციალისტე...
The Division of Pediatric Neurology at The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM) is committed to offering children with neurological diseases a thorough diagnosis and carefully managed, cutting e...