PREMIUM FITNESS & MASSAGE STUDIO Creating a space with high-quality standards of fitness services based on scientific basis and the latest trends in the fitness industry! Using only an individualised ...
WHO WE ARE RESULTS Fitness was established in 2013 by a couple of Professional Personal Trainers with extensive fitness expirience whose aim was to provide sport lovers with an unique exercise program...
"GIGEA LTD" - არის მრავალფუნქციური სამედიცინო ცენტრი, რომელიც გთავაზობთ მომსახურების ფართო არჩევანს სხვადასხვა დაავადების დიაგნოსტირებაში, მკურნალობასა და პროფილაქტიკაში. მაღალკვალიფიციური სპეციალისტე...
NALA Med Spas performs abdominal and tumescent liposuction for both men and women. It removes the excess fat from stomach and gives aesthetic result than a tummy-tuck.
The first Professional Personal Training Fitness Studio in Tbilisi for your BEST Fitness Goals The PTF Studio is an exclusive Personal Training Studio that offers special programms on WEIGHT LOSS, CEL...